Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD), is a platform to voice the rights and entitlements of the communities discriminated on work and descent in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America. GFoD aims for full realization of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent and ensuring access to sustainable development goals (SDGs). GFoD was founded in 2021 and formally recognizes the core motto of ‘Leave No One Behind’ propounded by “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which ensures Planet, Peace, and Prosperity for all, especially those who are marginalized through generations and suffered social prejudices while aspiring for a life of dignity and peace.
Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent are some of the most excluded, segregated, and marginalized groups at the global, regional and local levels within their social, economic, political, and cultural systems. The consequences of this marginalization are unjust deprivation and systematic exclusion from social relationships and communication, education, health, access to water and sanitation, employment, voting rights, equal access to land and housing, and access to religious institutions in the public sphere. The types of social structures that have evolved and functioning for centuries have inflicted systemic violence on the DWD communities, such as the Haratin in the Sahel; Forgeron in West Africa; Bantu in Sudan; Roma in Europe; Burakumin in Japan; Dalits (formerly known as ‘untouchables’) in South Asia; and Quilombola and Palenque in South America. The global coverage of DWD communities includes Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, with around 270 million people.
GFoD comprises several self-governing CDWD organizations united by a central structure and shared values, vision, and mission. It aims to enhance the opportunities for DWD communities, their representative organizations, and non-governmental and other organizations working on the rights of DWD communities in order to demand with a unified voice their inclusion in all sustainable development-related UN processes. It also recognizes that DWD communities are diverse, with intersecting layers of exclusion, including those based on gender and sexuality. Therefore, it has adopted gender mainstreaming as an integral and ongoing process at the heart of its organizational framework. This entails gender training and capacity building, integrating a gender perspective into research and advocacy, implementing organizational-level policies for gender equality, and promoting gender sensitivity among its employees.
GFoD envisions a democratic, inclusive, and just society that is free from all forms of Discrimination based on Work and Descent (DWD) with regard to ensuring gender parity, access to development, justice delivery, environment protection, and disaster mitigation measures. This includes the planning, design, implementation, monitoring, review, and evaluation of sustainable development policies at all levels – national, regional, and international. The immediate overriding objective of GFoD as part of the stakeholder group of CDWD is to secure a UN Declaration affirming the rights of CDWD around the world so as to ensure their empowerment, overall development, and progress.
Our Vision
We envision a society wherein all women and men consider themselves equal and free human beings, practice justice and equity in the sharing of resources, live a democratic and inclusive life that is devoid of all forms of discrimination, and enjoy fellowship, peace and harmony among themselves and with nature.
Our Mission
To work towards the integration and inclusion of the Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) with the larger society at the national, regional, and global levels by ensuring gender parity, access to holistic development, fair justice delivery, sustainable environment protection, and equitable disaster mitigation measures on the basis of the foundational values of self-respect and self-identity, equality and freedom, justice, and equity.
The Core Team

Jamen Gabriela Hrabanova
Jamen Gabriela Hrabanova is a leading Romani human rights activist in Europe, with extensive experience in the protection, promotion, and advocacy of Roma rights in government and civil society positions on a national and European level. She joined ERGO Network in 2011 and has served as director since 2017 …
Jamen Gabriela Hrabanova

Paul Divakar Namala
Paul Divakar is a Human Rights advocate, specifically working on the issues of marginalized communities, and has spent almost 4 decades working on Dalit rights. His expertise includes Economic Rights, Access to Justice, Inclusion in Disasters and Humanitarian crisis. He is the Convenor of the Global Forum of Communities …
N Paul Divakar

Dr. Ebrima Sall
Dr. Ebrima Sall is the immediate past Executive Secretary of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, Africa’s leading social research council that was ranked the top think tank in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 2016 Goto-Global Think Tanks Report of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to …
Dr. Ebrima Sall
The Secretariat

Beena J. Pallical
Beena Pallical is a Dalit women leader and currently the Chair of Asia Dalit Rights Forum and the General Secretary the Economic and Educational Rights wing within the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR). Over the last eleven years she is with the NCDHR working on the Dalit Economic Rights. She has been passionately working towards policy changes …
Beena J. Pallical

Aloysius Irudayam S. J.
Aloysius Irudayam. S.J. is holding Master’s Degree in Philosophy and Political Science. He is an experienced grassroots activist and a trainer on social issues. He has co-authored several advocacy publications that have been used for national and international advocacy and lobbying purposes: Black Paper – Promises Broken and …
Aloysius Irudayam S. J.

Bisseng Queen Angeline
Bisseng Queen Angeline is the Africa Coordinator for GFoD based in Cameroon, she is a human rights expert and specialist on managing physical and digital security for activists and human rights defenders. She is a consultant and resource person on human rights issues who advocates for the rights and the recognition of the status of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) especially …
Bisseng Queen Angeline

Simona Torotcoi
Simona Torotcoi is a Roma activist from Romania, currently a Roma right expert for the European Roma Grassroots Organization Network. Having previously completed a PhD in Public Policy from the Central European University, and having worked for UNICEF, Simona has a particular interest in education policies for Roma …
Simona Torotcoi

Carla Lacapelle
Carla is an activist and interpreter based in France working for the recognition and protection of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD). As a specialist in communication, her work focuses on building the necessary alliance between the different CDWD across the world. She manages all interpretation and translation needs …
Carla Lacapelle

Pranjali Kureel
Pranjali Kureel is a researcher, with demonstrated experience in the development sector and media & publishing. Her work encompasses the intricate intersections of caste and gender, Buddhism, and public policy. She holds a MPhil degree in Modern South Asian Studies from the University of Cambridge which was …
Pranjali Kureel

Shallini Sikka
Shallini Sikka is an accomplished accounting professional with a track record of successful evolution spanning over 7 years. She has done her masters in commerce and has a certification in Tally ERP and Financial Modelling. She has worked with different sectors like manufacturing, consulting and development. She has …
Shallini Sikka

Alioune Mzeirigue
Alioune Mzeirigue is a human rights activist, anti-slavery advocate, and humanitarian relief and community development professional. He carries more than eight years of experience with various international organizations including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR-Mauritania) …
Alioune Mzeirigue

Johannes Butscher
Johannes Butscher is the UN Advocacy Officer with TIP-GFoD since March 2021 based in the Americas. He previously worked in Brussels and Scotland, where he pursued a BA in Economics and Politics. In 2017, he moved to Colombia to study a MA in Peacebuilding and to support local peace projects and organisations such as the CAPAZ Institute.

Naveen Gautam
Naveen Gautam is working as a Senior Legal Researcher with Global Forum for Communities discriminated on Work and Descent. He is a social legal researcher and has been working as a Dalit-Adivasi Rights activist and Social Justice lawyer since past 7 years as he is committed towards advancing the rights of …
Naveen Gautam

Dr. Vinayaraj V. K.
Dr. Vinayaraj is the Senior Programme Coordinator with TIP-GFoD. He holds a doctorate in International Politics from the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi. He has had expertise in the field of the development sector for over a decade. He has made significant contributions to programme and project …
Dr. Vinayaraj V. K.

Rakesh Kumar
Rakesh Kumar works as Office Assistant with a passion for ensuring a well-organized and smooth-running office environment. With a strong work ethic and an eye for detail, he is committed to providing excellent support to the office colleagues. He excels in handling various administrative tasks, including document management …