Témoignage – Rencontre avec un forgeron de la communauté Touareg au quartier Lossougoungou 

Témoignage – Rencontre avec un forgeron de la communauté Touareg au quartier Lossougoungou 

Je m’appelle Zeinabou, je suis Experte en Droit auprès du GFoD et je souhaite partager aujourd’hui une petite discussion avec un certain M. Obaz sur les droits de l’homme après une séance de formation sur l’utilisation de la DUDH pour sensibiliser les communautés discriminées en matière de travail et d’ascendance. Lossougoungou est un quartier de…

Testimonial – Meeting with a Blacksmith from the Tuareg community in Niger

Testimonial – Meeting with a Blacksmith from the Tuareg community in Niger

Editor’s note: Across West Africa, several ethnic groups, including the Tuareg, Wolof, Mandinka, Bambara, Fulani, Soninké, Hausa, and Zarma, maintain rigid social hierarchies often described as caste systems. In these societies, the ‘nobles’ are regarded as freeborn, while ‘slaves,’ descendants of captive slaves and the slave trade, continue to face discrimination and remain vulnerable to…

Climate change impact CDWD extensively, says UN Special Rapporteur Dr Surya Deva 

Climate change impact CDWD extensively, says UN Special Rapporteur Dr Surya Deva 

A report by Dr Surya Deva, Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development, highlighted the severe impacts of climate change on Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD), linking these challenges directly to the broader context of climate justice.  The report, which referred to the work done by Global Forum on Discrimination extensively, underscored how…

When a Roma speaks at UN, the world listens: Interview with Roma academic-activist Simona Torotcoi

When a Roma speaks at UN, the world listens: Interview with Roma academic-activist Simona Torotcoi

In July 2024, Simona Torotcoi addressed the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, a subdivision of both the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Economic and Social Council, responsible for the entire organisation’s policy on sustainable development. Simona, a Roma from Romania and currently working with the ERGO Network, is a part of…

GFoD submission to the OHCHR call for inputs on universal birth registration, use of digital technology

GFoD submission to the OHCHR call for inputs on universal birth registration, use of digital technology

This submission has been coordinated by Simona Torotcoi, GFoD, Coordinator for Europe, with inputs from the following GFoD rights experts: Marina Csikós, and Fikrija Tair Selmani. Discrimination based on Work and Descent (DWD) affects more than 270 million people worldwide. Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) can be found on all continents: Dalit communities…