The Universal Periodic Review (UPR): A Catalyst for Roma Rights in Albania

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR): A Catalyst for Roma Rights in Albania

By Siljana Hyseni, Roma Rights Expert, GFoD As a marginalized group, the Roma minority, estimated to be between 8,301 and 120,000 people, continues to experience systemic discrimination, social exclusion, and poverty. These challenges have significantly impacted their access to education, healthcare, employment, and housing.Ā On Friday, August 30, 2024, Albania will have its Universal Periodic Review…

GFoD submission to the OHCHR call for inputs on universal birth registration, use of digital technology

GFoD submission to the OHCHR call for inputs on universal birth registration, use of digital technology

This submission has been coordinated by Simona Torotcoi, GFoD, Coordinator for Europe, with inputs from the following GFoD rights experts: Marina CsikĆ³s, and Fikrija Tair Selmani. Discrimination based on Work and Descent (DWD) affects more than 270 million people worldwide. Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) can be found on all continents: Dalit communities…

Leave No One Behind: Does India’s Union Budget 2024-25 reflect this sentiment?

Leave No One Behind: Does India’s Union Budget 2024-25 reflect this sentiment?

The following statement has been issued by the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights ā€˜Leave No One Behind’ is the Central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals which is a priority of India too. The question is, does our action at the national level reflect our commitment to this promise? And…

Towards an Informal Working Group on the the Rights of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent

Towards an Informal Working Group on the the Rights of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent

Statement by the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) HLPF 2024, United Nations, New York Speaking at the HLPF 2024 side event titled ā€œGood Practices and Challenges in the 2030 Agenda ā€“ Showcasing ongoing inclusive strategies of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent,ā€ Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives from Canada, Spain, Colombia,…

CDWD leader Beena Pallical address HLPF, calls for urgent strategies to eradicate poverty, discrimination

CDWD leader Beena Pallical address HLPF, calls for urgent strategies to eradicate poverty, discrimination

Madam Chair, excellencies, Civil Society Friends, ladies and gentlemen I’mĀ representingĀ the Stakeholder Group of Communities discriminated on Work and Descent and the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism. The Agenda 2030 has been instrumental in moving towards a sustainable future through the principle of leaving no one behind, however, we see that we are nowhere near…