Working Group on Inclusion and Elimination of Discrimination Based on Work and Descent (Caste)

Working Group on Inclusion and Elimination of Discrimination Based on Work and Descent (Caste)

ThisĀ reportĀ proposesĀ importantĀ edits to the existing framework of the Working Group on Inclusion and Elimination of Discrimination Based on Work and Descent. It aimsĀ to enhanceĀ theĀ effectivenessĀ of the existing frameworkĀ and ensuring comprehensive measures for eradicating caste-based discrimination.

Note on the Presentation made by PaulĀ DivakarĀ andĀ Deelip MheskeĀ in Inter-Governmental Negotiation on Sustainable Development Goals

Note on the Presentation made by PaulĀ DivakarĀ andĀ Deelip MheskeĀ in Inter-Governmental Negotiation on Sustainable Development Goals

This provides a critical analysis and reflection on the presentations delivered by Paul Divakar and Deelip Mheskeduring the Inter-Governmental Negotiations on Sustainable Development Goals. It  offers insights into key issues and potential avenues for progress with regard to the SDGs.