First Dalit Woman intervenes at UN General Assembly on behalf of GFOD & all CDWD in September 2023
Vercilline Dias at HPLF

HE Ambassador Kwoba of Uganda, gaining support for the informal working group and recommended us to work closer with the African union (and commission).

Beena Pallical at HLPF 2024, Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work & Descent/NCDHR

Friday, 12. July 2024, 10:00 Session on “Perspectives from major groups and other stakeholders: Partnerships for transformative and urgent actions”

Paul Divakar, Convener, Global Forum on Discrimination, speaks about descent-based jobs and systemic discrimination faced across the globe by members of the CDWD in recruitment, and enquires about a check list on the same.

Grijesh Dinkar, representing Major Stakeholder group on CDWD talks about the issues and concerns regarding entitlement issues of CDWD

Session on “Perspectives from major groups and other stakeholders: Partnerships for transformative and urgent actions”