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Representation of Descent-Communities in public spaces and discourses: Focus on challenges and opportunities for youth from decent based communities

November 28, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm UTC+2.5

CDWD Youth Side Event at Minority Rights Forum 2024

Representation of  Descent-Communities in public spaces and discourses: focus on challenges and opportunities for youth from descent based communities 

Side event Forum on Minority Issues

28 November from 13:00 to 14:00 in Room XXV in Palais des Nations

This side event will focus on the theme of the 2024 Forum on Minority Issues on the representation and self-representation of minorities in public spaces and discourses. This is of particular importance to descent-based communities who continue to face severe forms of hate speech, scapegoating, negative portrayal, inability to self represent in the public space, or in the media to shape their own narratives. Descent communities are subjected to dehumanising discourses referring to pollution or untouchability; and a generalised lack of respect for their human dignity and equality.


Descent-based discrimination exists across the globe affecting almost 270 million people. They include Dalits in South Asia; Burakumin in Japan; Roma in Europe, Haratine, Osu caste system and other communities in West Africa; Quilombola and Palenque in Latin America and diaspora living globally. Descent-based discrimination is unique within the minority space.

In that regard, the unique form of practices of discrimination faced by Descent-based communities within the global human rights framework requires a special focus. They are marginalised and excluded like other ethnic, minority or indigenous groups; but also occupy a distinct space, sometimes within those very marginalised and excluded groups based on the practices of discrimination they face. These include fundamental violations of their human rights on the basis of various factors including inability to alter inherited status; socially enforced restrictions on marriage outside the community; private and public segregation, including in housing and education, access to public spaces, places of worship and public sources of food and water; limitation of freedom to renounce inherited occupations or degrading or hazardous work; subjection to debt bondage.There is an urgent need to carve out specific norms to address the unique and particular experience of discrimination faced by descent-communities. 

Sporadic individual representation and recognition exist but falls short of the universally practised experience these communities face.Amongst the discriminated communities, it is pertinent to note that women and non-binary folks experience further marginalisation and must be accounted for in the larger framework of Minority rights. Youth from descent communities face these challenges with amplified intensity, as systemic barriers and deep-seated prejudices significantly limit their ability to participate fully in public and political spaces. The lack of self-representation only exacerbates their marginalisation, as their voices and unique perspectives are often absent from decision-making forums. This discrimination translates into political disempowerment, economic hardship, and social exclusion, perpetuating a cycle that denies them both their rights and their rightful place in society.This includes their right to self-represent and be represented without fear and persecution; and with respect for their human dignity.

Moderator: Paul Divakar Namala (Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent, GFoD)


  1. Prof. Nicolas Levrat, Special Rapporteur on minority issues
  2. Sukhbir Thind ,Youth Advocacy Officer – Plan International 
  3. Dr.Nimalka Fernando (International Movement Against All Forms of Racism and Discrimination, IMDR)
  4. Kunjini Pariyar – Rights Expert Nepal, Fellow OHCHR Minority Rights Fellowship
  5. Hassane Eidja, Initiative de Resurgence du movement Abolitionniste (IRA), OHCHR Fellow, Mauritania
  6. Vira Dranhoi (OHCHR Minority Rights Fellow)

Link for registration : https://theinclusivityproject-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArceCgqz4oHdGdItvDaQNsWlPDR_2-ixCP


November 28, 2024
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm UTC+2.5


Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent


Room XXV in Palais des Nations.
United Nation Head Quaters
Geneva, Switzerland