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Fact Sheet on Roma minority in Albania

The community is one of the largest Communities Discriminated based on Work and Descent (CDWD) in Europe. In Albania, the Roma population is estimated to be between 8,301 and 120,000. Roma minority was recognized as a national minority in October 2017 based on Law No. 97/2017 “On the Protection of National Minorities in the Republic of Albania. They face significant socio-economic challenges that affect the quality of life and access to opportunities which are deeply interconnected with multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goals 1 (No Poverty), 4 (Quality Education), 10 (Reduced Inequalities), and 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

See the full fact sheet below:

Albania committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015 and began implementation in 2017 by establishing key committees. The focus areas include reducing poverty, improving social inclusion, enhancing education, and empowering women.

Also Read: GFoD submission to the OHCHR call for inputs on universal birth registration, use of digital technology

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