Queen Bisseng calls for ‘global commitment to end discrimination’ at HLPF

Queen Bisseng calls for ‘global commitment to end discrimination’ at HLPF

In a compelling address at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), Queen Bisseng, representing the Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD), highlighted the urgent need for global attention to systemic discrimination based on work and descent. Queen Bisseng opened her speech by emphasising the pervasive nature of this form of discrimination, which…

CDWD leader Beena Pallical address HLPF, calls for urgent strategies to eradicate poverty, discrimination

CDWD leader Beena Pallical address HLPF, calls for urgent strategies to eradicate poverty, discrimination

Madam Chair, excellencies, Civil Society Friends, ladies and gentlemen I’m representing the Stakeholder Group of Communities discriminated on Work and Descent and the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism. The Agenda 2030 has been instrumental in moving towards a sustainable future through the principle of leaving no one behind, however, we see that we are nowhere near…

GFoD convener Paul Divakar makes passionate appeal to save India’s CDWD among intense heatwave

GFoD convener Paul Divakar makes passionate appeal to save India’s CDWD among intense heatwave

Paul Divakar, the convener of the Global Forum on Discrimination, has issued a passionate appeal against the increasing dangers of climate change and how it is leaving India’s CDWD with nowhere to go.  In a story published by Al Jazeera titled: “‘I’m in hell’: How rising heat is amplifying India’s social divides”, Divakar said the…

Status of Communities Discrimninated on Work and Descent in Asia

Status of Communities Discrimninated on Work and Descent in Asia

Asia is the largest continent, with the majority of the Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) population in the world.The concept of equality does define its concepts of non-discrimination and safeguards through legal procedures and standards. Marginalized communities could achieve equality by abolishing discrimination in all forms. However, when discrimination becomes core to the…

Status of Communities Discrimninated on Work and Descent in Asia

Status of Communities Discrimninated on Work and Descent in Asia

Asia is the largest continent, with the majority of the Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) population in the world.The concept of equality does define its concepts of non-discrimination and safeguards through legal procedures and standards. Marginalized communities could achieve equality by abolishing discrimination in all forms. However, when discrimination becomes core to the…