UN Special Rapporteur Dr Surya Deva cites status of CDWD in his report on Right to Development

UN Special Rapporteur Dr Surya Deva cites status of CDWD in his report on Right to Development

Paul Diwakar, Convener of the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD), welcomed a recent report, presented by the UN Special Rapporteur Dr Surya Deva, that extensively cited the Collective for Discrimination Based on Work and Descent (CDWD). Diwakar emphasised that every human being, regardless of their background or occupation, possesses an…

Paul Divakar

GFoD convener Paul Divakar makes passionate appeal to save India’s CDWD among intense heatwave

Paul Divakar, the convener of the Global Forum on Discrimination, has issued a passionate appeal against the increasing dangers of climate change and how it is leaving India’s CDWD with nowhere to go.  In a story published by Al Jazeera titled: “‘I’m in hell’: How rising heat is amplifying India’s social divides”, Divakar said the…

Annihilate Caste and Structural Inequalities in Implementing the 2030 Agenda

Annihilate Caste and Structural Inequalities in Implementing the 2030 Agenda

This report provides systemic understanding of hidden apartheid still under represented and widely practiced. The comprehensive study was prepared by Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF) in association with Regions Refocus 2015 and Asia Parliamentarians Forum on Dalit Concerns (APFDC). Discrimination based on Work and Descent (caste) has been referenced as an important variable of exclusion…

Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in South Asia – Status of Modern Slavery

Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in South Asia – Status of Modern Slavery

This research project, comprising two studies and commissioned by the Asia Dalit Rights Forum to explore and examine of the manifestations of modern slavery in its varied forms prevalent among the communities discriminated on work and descent (CDWDs), has looked at the issue in its South Asian as well as global dimensions as evidenced in…