CDWD leader Beena Pallical address HLPF, calls for urgent strategies to eradicate poverty, discrimination

CDWD leader Beena Pallical address HLPF, calls for urgent strategies to eradicate poverty, discrimination

Madam Chair, excellencies, Civil Society Friends, ladies and gentlemen I’m representing the Stakeholder Group of Communities discriminated on Work and Descent and the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism. The Agenda 2030 has been instrumental in moving towards a sustainable future through the principle of leaving no one behind, however, we see that we are nowhere near…

Understanding the many faces of poverty

Understanding the many faces of poverty

Understanding the many faces of poverty Discrimination based on work and descent (DWD) is the UN terminology used in international contexts to describe the systemic marginalization experienced by certain communities, like Roma in Europe, Dalits in Asia, Burakumin in Japan, Haratin in Africa, and Quilombola in Brazil, due to their caste or similar inherited forms…