UNICEF publishes major report on Roma children and women, gives crucial recommendations

UNICEF publishes major report on Roma children and women, gives crucial recommendations

UNICEF has published a summary of findings from four MICS surveys in Roma settlements in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, highlighting several aspects regarding Roma Children and Women.  Governments, international organisations, and civil society have increasingly recognized the importance of protecting and advancing the rights of Roma individuals, UNICEF pointed, leading to…

The situation of Roma in the Slovak Republic

The situation of Roma in the Slovak Republic

My name is Annamaria Pšenková, I am a Roma from Slovakia, and I am part of the Rights Expert program of the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated Against Work and Descent (GFoD). This report has a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it intends to provide a general understanding of the Roma community in Slovakia, which is one…

Landmark report highlights environmental racism, state disinvestment in Substandard Romani Settlements

Landmark report highlights environmental racism, state disinvestment in Substandard Romani Settlements

The Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) has released a landmark report titled Substandard Romani Settlements Across Europe: Environmental Racism And Disinvestment. This report sheds light on the situation of Roma living in substandard Romani settlements (SRS), one of the most unacceptable forms of discrimination and exclusion of Roma communities across…

How can CDWD contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals? Here’s how

How can CDWD contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals? Here’s how

Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) refers to a form of social stratification and exclusion prevalent in many societies worldwide. CDWD primarily manifests in societies where individuals are categorised into hierarchical groups based on their ancestry, occupation, or birth, often referred to as castes or descent-based groups. Affecting over 270 million people worldwide, which…

Research Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean based in Americas

Research Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean based in Americas

Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) is the global advocacymechanism of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD). More than 270 millionpeople across the world are discriminated against on the basis of this specific type of discriminationdescribed by the UN as “discrimination based on work and descent” (DWD). Even though it…