Queen Bisseng calls for ‘global commitment to end discrimination’ at HLPF

Queen Bisseng calls for ‘global commitment to end discrimination’ at HLPF

In a compelling address at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), Queen Bisseng, representing the Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD), highlighted the urgent need for global attention to systemic discrimination based on work and descent. Queen Bisseng opened her speech by emphasising the pervasive nature of this form of discrimination, which…

The situation of Roma in the Slovak Republic

The situation of Roma in the Slovak Republic

My name is Annamaria Pšenková, I am a Roma from Slovakia, and I am part of the Rights Expert program of the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated Against Work and Descent (GFoD). This report has a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it intends to provide a general understanding of the Roma community in Slovakia, which is one…

Understanding the many faces of poverty

Understanding the many faces of poverty

Understanding the many faces of poverty Discrimination based on work and descent (DWD) is the UN terminology used in international contexts to describe the systemic marginalization experienced by certain communities, like Roma in Europe, Dalits in Asia, Burakumin in Japan, Haratin in Africa, and Quilombola in Brazil, due to their caste or similar inherited forms…