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The situation of Roma in the Slovak Republic

My name is Annamaria Pšenková, I am a from Slovakia, and I am part of the Rights Expert program of the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated Against Work and Descent (GFoD). This report has a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it intends to provide a general understanding of the Roma community in Slovakia, which is one of many communities worldwide facing discrimination based on their descent and work (CDWD). Secondly, the report seeks to highlight the common challenges shared by the Roma and other CDWD communities while also addressing their unique experiences.

With regard to the methodology used, the report relies mainly on existing data, reports and news collected and documented by different NGOs and international bodies.

The report has been compiled based on the guidance received by the GFoD research experts, following a common template other right experts representing different CDWD had to follow as well. Throughout the data collection process, GFoD staffensured common issues were addressed and that rights experts had a good understanding of the expectations of this research process and the concepts used. The report aims to set the foundation for further research but also to use the collected data for advocacy purposes at the UN and global level in favor of establishing and enforcing the rights of DWD Communities in different parts of the world. The data can be also used by professional researchers for their academic purposes thereby promoting awareness and knowledge about DWD communities.

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