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Canada: NDP MP Don Davies introduces motion to ban caste-based discrimination

Vancouver Kingsway's NDP MP, Don Davies, introduced a motion in Parliament on Friday aimed at recognizing and prohibiting -based discrimination in Canada, the Voice Online reported. The motion seeks amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act to include caste as a prohibited ground of discrimination, acknowledging the severe social and economic exclusion faced by Canadians across the country.

“Caste-based discrimination is a part of the lived experience of many Canadians and ought to be explicitly recognized and prohibited under the Canadian Human Rights Act,” Davies stated. “Thanks to the tireless efforts of advocates, some institutions have recognized caste-based discrimination as a human rights violation under inferred grounds of discrimination. It is time we made this explicit and sent a clear message that this is not tolerated in our society.”

Davies was joined at the press conference by Manoj Bhangu, who won the first case of caste discrimination at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, as well as Jyotika Jasuja, cultural events coordinator for the Chetna Association of Canada, and Jai Birdi, executive director of the Chetna Association of Canada.

“Millions of people worldwide still face appalling and dehumanizing discrimination based on caste and similar systems of inherited status,” said Bhangu. “Caste discrimination remains prevalent in Canada and we must take immediate action to address it.”

“Explicitly banning caste-based discrimination under Canadian human rights law would mark a significant step forward,” added Jasuja. “It represents an important acknowledgment that the problem exists here in Canada and would allow people to seek legal recourse if they face discrimination.”

“We must work together to build a casteless society where individuals can live in harmony with each other regardless of differences,” said Birdi. “We implore MPs to reach across party lines to add caste as a stand-alone category to the Canadian Human Rights Act.”

“Caste-based hatred and discrimination have no place in Canada,” concluded Davies. “I call on all Parliamentarians to support this important human rights initiative.”

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