Fight against caste-based discrimination in The Gambia: A tale of repression of and resistance by the Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent

Fight against caste-based discrimination in The Gambia: A tale of repression of and resistance by the Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent

In the long-standing resistance against a socially stratified society in the West Africa region, and particularly in the Upper River Region (URR) of The Gambia, a legal case and the following High Court judgement brought to light the persistence of caste practices and associated discrimination based on work and descent in the region.  Case Citation:…

Landmark report unveils challenges Faced by Asia-based CDWDs, proposes extensive policy changes

Landmark report unveils challenges Faced by Asia-based CDWDs, proposes extensive policy changes

Asia has the largest number of DWD communities globally. The Asian continent accounts for more than three-quarters of the total number of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) in the world. The report consolidates detailed information, analysis, and viewpoints currently available on the rights and entitlements of CDWD.