How can CDWD contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals? Here’s how

How can CDWD contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals? Here’s how

Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) refers to a form of social stratification and exclusion prevalent in many societies worldwide. CDWD primarily manifests in societies where individuals are categorised into hierarchical groups based on their ancestry, occupation, or birth, often referred to as castes or descent-based groups. Affecting over 270 million people worldwide, which…

Roma people less safe than 20 years ago? GFoD report reveals shocking situation of  Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Europe

Roma people less safe than 20 years ago? GFoD report reveals shocking situation of  Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Europe

European Union Member States must formally recognize and acknowledge the existence of discrimination based on work and descent as a distinct form of discrimination that deserves the attention of the international community and that affects communities around the world including among others, the Roma in Europe, a report titled ‘Status of Communities Discriminated on Work…

Pakistan: Government Scrambles to Cover up an Ugly Story on Manual Sewage Workers

Pakistan: Government Scrambles to Cover up an Ugly Story on Manual Sewage Workers

An AFP report mentioned how public bodies specifically reserve menial cleaning jobs for “non-Muslims”. These are jobs for Christians and Hindus. On April 19, the Municipal Corporation of Sialkot showcased sanitation workers utilizing machines to clear obstructed sewage. It was a public relations exercise to combat a stinging AFP report earlier in the month showcasing…

India: Dalit Children go Missing, Get Trafficked or Work for a Living

India: Dalit Children go Missing, Get Trafficked or Work for a Living

About 10.1 million children aged between 5 to 14 work in India. Recent deaths in factories in Delhi, home to the country’s capital city points to the enslavement of children in risky factories. A total of 59,262 children were reported to go missing in India in 2020, according to the National Crime Records Bureau’s ‘Crime…

SDG 10.2 Report – Empowering People and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with its focus Ensuring No One is Left Behind in the development planning and implementation has captured and gravitated the world attention. SDGs talks about people-centric approach and principles of accountability, transparency and participation, which ensures this developmental methodology as a near perfect model for holistic development.Additionally, theoretically, SDGs are especially…