77th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania Arusha, Tanzania, United Republic of๐ฝ๏ธ Streaming LIVE Here!
Business & Human Rights Forum Side Event
Join us and UN Special Rapporteur Mr Surya Deva for our event during the 2023 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights! RSVP here:ย https://bit.ly/2023BHRย to obtain location (5 minutes from the UN). In-person event & lunch will be served.
Official Side Event to Forum on Minority Issues
Join us online or in Geneva for our official side event during the 2023 UN Forum on Minority Issues! With a high profile panel, this event will focus on building on regional recognition towards a resolution on the rights of communities discriminated on work and descent. Show your support and follow the event remotely at...
LNOB: Poverty and discrimination among Roma and Diaspora from Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD
Online: ZoomDiscrimination based on Work and Descent (DWD) affects more than 270 million people worldwide, with about 15 million Roma and other communities DWD diaspora in Europe, such as Dalits and Haratins. CDWD are regarded as the most vulnerable groups in terms of social, economic, and political development. They experience intersectional discrimination and oppression because of...
Addressing the root causes of poverty among women and girls from descent communities and the impact of UN Programming and NGOs to eradicate stigma
New YorkOfficial side event during the CSW68 Forum 11 - 22 March 2024 ย ย ย Registration link : https://eu.jotform.com/form/240416061960046 In the context of the sixty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN in New York alongside UN Woman, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations...
Commission on the Status of Women NGO Side Virtual Event : Feminization of poverty- How does poverty affect the lives of women discriminated against on work and descent?
Online: ZoomGlobal Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD), along with partner entities:ย European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network (ERGO),ย Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts, andย Romalitico - Institute for Research and Policy Analysisย organise a side event focusing on addressing the intersectionality of discrimination, marginalization and poverty faced by women fromย Communities Discriminated on Work and...
Building Bridges Among Women Discriminated Against on Work and Descent
United Nations Church Center New YorkWe are living in times of great turmoil, with protracted conflict, the climate crisis and growing inequalities present in the world today. Amidst this growing crisis, state and non-state actors have a very critical role to play in upholding the human rights of communities and individuals and ensuring respect of global standards. In this context,...
Webinar on VNR:Integrating the perspective of communities discriminated on work and descent in the voluntary national reviews
Online: ZoomFor the last few years, the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Decent as part of the UN Major Groups and Other Stakeholders, has been engaging in the National Voluntary Reviews (VNRs), presenting the viewpoint of our communities across the world (i.e., Roma, Haratins, Buraku, Dalits, Quilombola, etc.). This year we would like...
Carving out a Norm at the UN on the Rights of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent
Online: ZoomGFoD and partners are pleased to invite you to a roundtable discussion on the international movement of communities discriminated on work and descent (CDWD). This important alliance of groups from Africa, Europe, Latin America and South Asia, is forging new pathways for justice at the international level to ensure the voices of CDWD are recognised...
Good Practices and Challenges in the 2030 Agenda – Showcasing ongoing inclusive strategies of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent
Hybrid: Offline-United Nation Conference Room F Online: Zoom United Nation Head Quaters, New York, NY, United StatesFor registration : https://theinclusivityproject-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdO-srzIsEtUCr_6DcIxAGIm2Tj2kCt3J The Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN in New York together with the Permanent Mission of North Macedonia, Permanent Mission of Canada (TBC) and the Permanent Missions of Austria, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Ivory Coast, Gambia (TBC) and UN Women (Racial Justice) are delighted to co-organize a HLPF 2024 side event...
UN Declaration: A CDWD Symposium
PRCC Hall 233 Rutgers University, Nevark, New Jersey, NJ, United StatesCommunities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD), including but not limited to Dalit, Roma, Quilombola, and Haratine communities, face systemic discrimination and marginalization across the world. CDWD are the people directly affected by Discrimination based on Work and Descent (DWD). They continue to face extreme forms of isolation and discrimination, which acts as an obstacle...
Casting light on SGD 16 & 17, anticipating the potential of “Pact for the Future” for LGBTQI+ individuals and Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) to realize our full potential
Hybrid: Offline-United Nation Conference Room F Online: Zoom United Nation Head Quaters, New York, NY, United States2024 High-Level Political Forumย LGBTI Stakeholder Groupย and the Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent. The LGBTI Stakeholder Group and the Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (SG-CDWD),ย ย invite you to a joint side event on the margins of the annual High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).ย Around the...