Watch: Adikanda Singh from GFoD speaks at the UN Forum on Minority issues

Watch: Adikanda Singh from GFoD speaks at the UN Forum on Minority issues

Adikanda Singh from the Global Forum on Discrimination (GFoD) spoke at the 16th session of the UN Forum on Minority Issues – “Minorities and Cohesive Societies: Equality, Social Inclusion, and Socio-economic Participation”. Here is the video of his presentation: The entire session, which took place on December 1, can be seen here.

Roma people less safe than 20 years ago? GFoD report reveals shocking situation of  Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Europe

Roma people less safe than 20 years ago? GFoD report reveals shocking situation of  Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Europe

European Union Member States must formally recognize and acknowledge the existence of discrimination based on work and descent as a distinct form of discrimination that deserves the attention of the international community and that affects communities around the world including among others, the Roma in Europe, a report titled ‘Status of Communities Discriminated on Work…

Communities Discriminatedon Work and Descent in Modern Slavery- 2021

Communities Discriminatedon Work and Descent in Modern Slavery- 2021

This report is an important addition to the discussion around modern forms of slavery. Due to hierarchical and generational discrimination they have faced, communities discriminated on work and descent have been and continue to be subject to forced labour, bonded labour and other contemporary forms of slavery. However, the nexus between these communities and contemporary…