Cameroon: Despite progress, CDWD face immense issues, report shows

Cameroon: Despite progress, CDWD face immense issues, report shows

Traditional and modern forms of slavery and slavery-like practices remain prevalent in Cameroon, despite its criminalisation in its Penal Code, the country report of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Cameroon and Status of Modern Slavery has revealed.  This report, which was launched on November 3 is informed by research on discriminated communities on…

Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Africa and Status of Modern Slavery – Regional Report 2023 – Summary

Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Africa and Status of Modern Slavery – Regional Report 2023 – Summary

Africa has a long-standing history of slavery and slavery practices through domestic slavery, which intensified extensively through the trans-Saharan, Indian Ocean and the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Today, hundreds of thousands of formerly enslaved people in and from Africa can trace back their modern forms of slavery and discrimination – to the caste-based slavery of the…

The Flavour Bangladeshi Tea Hides Tales of Slavery

The Flavour Bangladeshi Tea Hides Tales of Slavery

Marginalisation drives the modern day slavery within Bangladesh’s tea industry where Dalit and tribal workers have no alternative to working under highly exploitative conditions. “Bangabandhu provided the tea workers rights to vote, citizenship, and it cannot be that they remain landless. I will definitely provide them the land rights.” Thus spoke the Prime Minister of…