
Pakistan through CDWD Lens: Country Report on Status of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Pakistan

The Inclusivity Project and the Global Forum of launched their Pakistan through CDWD Lens: Country Report on Status of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent in Pakistan” to help readers, researchers and policymakers understand the extent of discrimination faced by CDWD in the country. 

CDWD communities are suppressed in various forms, mainly through violence and atrocities, the report points out. 

“The dominant communities have used atrocities as tools to suppress the communities. These can be seen missing in the policies of development in the country. Women are used as a target of violence. Force conversion and forced marriage of Dalit women are rampant phenomena by other religions, resulting in social abuse, and sexual and mentally torture, thus creating fear in the minds of all Dalit women and girls. The legal systems have lacunas and lack full protection of women and young girls giving space for the perpetrators to go Scot-free,” it adds. 

In his foreword, Dr. Sono Khangharani said that while one seeks equality and progress in the Pakistan diverse society, there are several communities that have long been subjected to discrimination based on their work and descent, especially  Dalits. “This discrimination, rooted in historical and deeply ingrained prejudices, has perpetuated an unjust hierarchy that keeps these communities at the fringes of society. This report endeavors to shed light on the status of these marginalized communities, their unique challenges, and the pressing need for change.”

The discrimination based on work and descent is a deeply embedded issue in Pakistan, said Khangharani. “It affects a variety of communities, including but not limited to Dalits, lower- Hindus, and Christian minorities, who often find themselves relegated to low-paying, menial labor and denied access to fundamental human rights. It is imperative that we acknowledge and address this issue to create a society where every citizen can live a life of dignity, irrespective of their background,” he added. 

In his address, N Paul Divakar, Convener, Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent, pointed out that the CDWD in Pakistan has long been subjected to systemic oppression and discrimination, often relegated to the fringes of society, denied access to basic human rights, and relegated to low paying and degrading occupations. “This report seeks to capture the lived experiences and struggles of the Dalit community, and it is an essential step towards raising awareness about their plight and advocating for meaningful change. The research for this report involved extensive fieldwork, and data collection, and it has been meticulously reviewed and compiled to ensure accuracy and reliability. We aim to present a balanced and comprehensive view of the Dalit community's current situation in Pakistan,” he says. 

Diwakar said he hoped that this report serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, civil society organizations, and individuals committed to promote social justice, inclusivity, and equality. “By shedding light on the challenges faced by the CDWD, we aspire to facilitate a deeper understanding of their struggles and work towards positive change, ensuring that no individual is denied their inherent rights and dignity based on their caste or social background,” he added. 

Read the full report by clicking on the link below: 


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