‘Supreme Court of India’s verdict protects rights of CDWD in Modern Economy’
CLICK TO READ: ‘Supreme Court of India’s verdict protects rights of CDWD in Modern Economy’On Friday, the Supreme Court of India, the country’s Apex court, dismissed a Special Leave Petition (SLP) filed by the…
Friends of CDWD: Advancing dialogue and action on Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent
CLICK TO READ: Friends of CDWD: Advancing dialogue and action on Communities Discriminated on Work and DescentWorld leaders gathered in New York from September 22-26, 2024, to discuss and adopt a Pact for the Future that…
The fight is legal: Ephraim Ogwu wants Africa CDWD to learn the importance of legal advocacy
CLICK TO READ: The fight is legal: Ephraim Ogwu wants Africa CDWD to learn the importance of legal advocacyThis is the third in a three-part interview series with Ephraim Ogwu. Read part one and part two here. Ephraim…
Brazil CDWD leaders celebrates landmark resolution passed in Africa
CLICK TO READ: Brazil CDWD leaders celebrates landmark resolution passed in AfricaIn a historic moment for global human rights, Latin American leaders have lauded the adoption of a groundbreaking resolution aimed…
A seismic moment: ACHPR adopts resolution on Africa CDWD
CLICK TO READ: A seismic moment: ACHPR adopts resolution on Africa CDWDIn a significant milestone for the rights of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD), the African Commission on Human…