GFoD et The Inclusivity Report lancent un rapport détaillé sur les CDWD du Niger :  Lire le rapport en français

GFoD et The Inclusivity Report lancent un rapport détaillé sur les CDWD du Niger :  Lire le rapport en français

The inclusivity Project et le Forum mondial des communautĂ©s discriminĂ©es sur le travail et l’ascendance ont lancĂ© leur rapport intitulĂ© “CommunautĂ©s discriminĂ©es sur le travail et l’ascendance au Niger et le statut de l’esclavage moderne” afin d’aider les lecteurs, les chercheurs et les dĂ©cideurs politiques Ă  comprendre l’ampleur de la discrimination Ă  laquelle sont confrontĂ©s…

CDWD December Newsletter: Read about our important updates in English, French and Portuguese

CDWD December Newsletter: Read about our important updates in English, French and Portuguese

December was an important and exciting month for us, and we are glad to present our work in three languages for your perusal. From Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent visits to Ghana and Cameroon in Africa to GFoD at the UN Forum of BusinessHuman Rights and Forum on Minority Issue, we cover…

Looking back at 2023 for GFOD: Achievements, milestones and so much more

Looking back at 2023 for GFOD: Achievements, milestones and so much more

As this year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past twelve months and express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Despite the challenges that came our way, we are proud to say that we have achieved significant milestones and accomplished some amazing results together.

Want to learn about discrimination against marginalised communities in Ghana, Cameroon? See this report

Want to learn about discrimination against marginalised communities in Ghana, Cameroon? See this report

To help our readers understand the various forms of discrimination and exploitation they face and emphasise the need for further research and collaborative action to address these issues, we have prepared a PowerPoint Presentation based on a field visit to the University of Ghana to help understand the condition of CDWDs, the steps being taken…

Resolution of NGO Forum of African Commission to combat CDWD

Resolution of NGO Forum of African Commission to combat CDWD

New York: In a significant step toward achieving equality and justice, the NGO forum of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) has successfully passed a groundbreaking resolution aimed at “Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Communities Discriminated based on Work and Descent (CDWD)” in Africa.  This resolution marks a significant milestone…