Research Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean based in Americas
Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) is the global advocacy
mechanism of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD). More than 270 million
people across the world are discriminated against on the basis of this specific type of discrimination
described by the UN as “discrimination based on work and descent” (DWD). Even though it is a
global phenomenon, discrimination based on work and descent is one of the least understood forms
of discrimination in the world. Lacking public recognition and acknowledgement, affected
communities are among the most marginalised and excluded people.
Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) are oppressed through
occupational/caste like discrimination, often forced into conditions of traditional and or modern
slavery/bonded labour. Examples of CDWD across the world include the Dalits in South-East Asia,
the Buraku in Japan, the Romani people in Europe and around the world, the Quilombola and
Palenque in Latin America.

Vacancy: Research Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean based in the Americas
The position requires approximately 25 hours per week. We offer a consultancy contract and
dynamic and fast pace multi-lingual international work environment, providing evidence to several
United Nations organs and mechanisms and working with global civil society partners. The position is
renumerated with 800 USD per month and is fully remote (home office).
Main responsibilities:
- Assists in researching and gathering data on Communities Discriminated on Work and
Descent (CDWD) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), closely collaborating with
CDWD Rights Experts and GFoD network members and allies. This includes communities
such as Quilombola, Palenque, and Roma in the region. - Act as regional focal point for community-based Rights Experts in LAC, completing research
projects, translate materials ensuring adequate access to resources and content of the
Rights Experts training program. - Contributes to the development of new projects and grant applications by conducting
literature searches and experimental research, writing and contributing to grant proposals. - Contributes to the dissemination of knowledge gained through research by preparing and
publishing findings and presenting findings in meetings with partners and at conferences. - Help with logistics to set up meetings, coordinate with partners, follow up and assist on a
rolling basis. - Represents GFoD in the Committee on Social Development (CSocD) its activities, events
and thematic written contributions.
Linguistic & skills required:
Proficiency in written English at an advanced level is necessary. The combination of English
and Spanish or English and Portuguese are a strong asset for this position. Any other UN
working language is an asset.
Strong logistical skills to coordinate research activities of community-based activists.
Attention to detail and some experience writing academic texts in English.
How to apply:
Please send your CV and a 1–2-page motivation letter in English, highlighting relevant experience, to
RE2024[AT] by May 19 2024 midnight Easter Time.
Subject of the email should be: Research Coordinator LAC [Your Name]
Please note that due to funding limitations, persons who previously held the post of CDWD Rights
Experts are not eligible to apply.